Please check if there is power in your home.
In almost all properties managed by ZK Investments- particularly flats, the hot water is supplied by modern pressurised unvented cylinder.
There is a primary and a backup heating element installed in the tank.
This means that even if the primary heating element malfunctions there is a second (emergency use) heating element and you should have hot water whilst we replace the faulty primary element.
If you lose power but you are not aware of a planned interruption and your neighbours/the rest of the street still seem to have power then you may well have tripped the system.
Please check your fuse box or consumer unit to see if circuit breakers require resetting. If you are not sure how to do this please watch the following short clip:
If the circuit breakers have not tripped please check to see if other properties are also without power (it could be a general power cut). Or if you have a prepayment (Key or card) meter, please ensure you have credit available.
If the above does not work please continue to submit online.
If a contractor is sent and the above has not been checked by you and is found to be the cause of the problem the cost of the call out may be charged to you.
In addition please download the useful check guide before reporting the fault
Download useful guide I have no hot water – Check List to help.