Commercial Property Application

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Company Details

What is the property you are interested in letting?Please put address
Tenant Type
Name of Company / Partnership or Sole Trader
If company – Company Registration No
Name(s) of Senior Directors / Partners
Telephone Number
Nature of Trade / BusinessWhat Business do you intend to run from the property, please provide basic details
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Number of Outlets / Branches you currently operate from
Is your business registered for VAT?

Offer for property

Number of employees you have working for you or intend to have
Number of years your business has been established
If you are a new business, are you able to offer a guarantor for the lease?
What is your offer for the annual rent?Please refer to the guide rent as per the particulars
Length of lease you are looking for – Licence Required
Move in Date – Start of Licence – LeasePlease indicate the earliest date you require occupation of the premises.
If New Business, please advise if you can offer a deposit at the start of the lease
Please add any additional comments – queries etc for the landlord’s consideration.
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