DHP housing benefit
Help if your housing benefit doesn’t cover your full rent
Private tenants can apply for extra housing benefit if the amount they are getting doesn’t cover their rent.
This is known as a discretionary housing payment. The Council decides how much money you will get. You must show that you will suffer hardship if you don’t get the extra housing benefit.
Amounts that can be paid
There is no fixed amount for a discretionary housing payment. The Council looks at the particular circumstances of each claim it receives and then decides
• how much money to give you, if any
• how long you will get this extra money for.
The extra housing benefit might not be enough to cover your full rent. You could still have to pay your landlord extra money. Make sure you get a receipt for every cash payment you make to your landlord or agent.
Awarding a discretionary housing payment
Unlike other benefits, there’s no legal entitlement to a discretionary housing payment. The Council has the power to decide who should and who should not get these payments. When making a decision, the Council will usually check if you are in real financial hardship and if you’re at risk of being evicted if you don’t get this payment.
When deciding if you are eligible for a discretionary housing payment, the Council may examine your personal circumstances.
For example:
• Have your circumstances changed in a way that you need more money to cover your housing costs?
• Will you be evicted immediately if you can’t pay your rent?
• How much do you owe?
• Do you have any savings?
• Could you negotiate with the landlord to reduce the rent?
• Why do you need to live in a specific area?
• Could you move to less expensive accommodation?
• Do you have health problems which stop you moving to less expensive accommodation?
• Do you have young children?
• Could someone in the house help you pay your rent?
• Will you become homeless if the Council refuses to give you a discretionary housing payment?
Applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment
Complete the Discretionary Housing Payment application form and return it to your local Council Office. If you require more room to make your argument than is provided on the form, enclose a letter. Include copies of any supplementary evidence which supports your claim for additional help.
Turned down for extra housing benefit
Unlike a housing benefit application, you have no right to have your application reviewed and no right to have an appeal heard by an independent tribunal. However, you can ask the Council where you made your application to look again at their decision.
If you think your claim has been unfairly rejected, contact Citizens Advice or another advice agency – Shelter who may be able to assist you in challenging the decision.
Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP)
DHPs are only paid for a limited period. You may have to reapply at the end of the period. The council may expect you to make longer-term changes in your budgeting or housing situation.