We take gas safety in your home very seriously.
Poorly serviced gas appliances can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning. Every year thousands of people across the UK are affected by this highly poisonous gas. You can’t see it, taste it or smell it, but it can kill quickly with no warning.
We always use qualified Gas Safe registered engineers to fit, fix and service gas appliances in your home – it’s the law and safeguards you.
You can help us by keeping appointments and letting us into your home for the important gas servicing check we make each year.
Servicing can also reduce the risk of heating or hot water supply breakdowns. It checks energy is being used efficiently and so helps to reduce your energy bills.
Ways to stay Gas Safe in your home
We asked our gas engineers for their top tips on staying gas safe in your home.
1. Keep your gas service appointment
Gas safety checks are important – they can, and do, save lives. They are also the best way to avoid boiler breakdowns.
Each year we write to tell you when your gas service is due and offer an appointment time. If you can’t make this, don’t cancel or postpone without rearranging it! We aim to be flexible and can offer other appointment times to suit.
If you think your annual gas service is due soon and would like to get it booked ahead early, please give our gas contractors a call to arrange it.
If you think your annual gas service is due soon and would like to get it booked ahead early, please contact us
We give you a dated certificate at each yearly service. Please keep it safe, so you know when the next service is due.
2. Run your heating regularly
Months of disuse can create problems in gas appliances, which can lead to them breaking down when they are needed again most.
Prepare your central heating for the cold weather by running your heating for an hour a week, even in summer. It will clear the boiler pump of any grit that gathers when it’s not in use.
You can also check for any warning signs that appliances aren’t working as they should. This includes yellow flames instead of blue ones, stains around the appliance, or strange noises that could indicate an air lock.
Ring us on 0800 435 016 to report a repair or any immediate concerns.
3. Let your boiler breathe
Gas appliances need to have enough ventilation to allow them to burn correctly. So never cover your gas boiler or block the air vents. Make sure the outside flues aren’t blocked either.
Don’t leave clothing or loose objects on your gas fire or in front of it.
Only use gas appliances for their intended purpose – so, for example, don’t use a gas oven to heat a room or use a gas barbecue inside the house.
4. Know the danger and symptoms
Be aware of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning – headaches, dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, collapse and loss of consciousness.
Carbon monoxide symptoms are similar to flu, food poisoning, viral infections and simply tiredness. That’s why it’s quite common for people to mistake this very dangerous poisoning for something else.
If the symptoms only occur when you are at home or are affecting others in your household, it could also point to carbon monoxide poisoning.
You should get fresh air immediately. Open doors and windows, turn off gas appliances and leave the house to get medical treatment.
If you ever sense danger from gas, you smell it or suspect a leak, call the Gas Emergency Helpline on 0800 111 999.
5. Check it out
Before reporting a problem to us about with your gas heating not working properly, there are a few quick checks you can make yourself.
Please make sure:
• the electrical switch to operate boiler is switched on
• the time clock/programmer is operating and is not switched off
• the room thermostat is not off or turned down too low
• if you use a prepayment meter for your gas or electricity, that you have enough credit on your meter
Still not working right? Then please get in touch to report a repair.
Category : Advice