Housing Benefit
Do your landlords accept housing benefit tenants ?
Unlike many other private landlords who don’t want to rent to tenants who claim housing benefit our landlords have welcomed housing benefit tenants for the last 12 years. All of our properties say “yes” to DSS tenants so there’s no need to worry about whether you’ll be accepted.
As well as this, new properties appear on a monthly basis so be sure to come back regularly as your dream home could be just around the corner.
Can I arrange a viewing as I will be making a new claim for Housing benefit?
We’re here to help you find a property that says “yes” to DSS.
Simply register with us and we will email you viewing dates for all listed properties.
You may be required to provide a guarantor if you are a new claimant.
Do I have to pay a deposit?
Yes, a security deposit is required in case of any damage or dilapidation of the property during your tenancy. If you are struggling with our standard deposit requirements, you can propose lower amounts that you can afford and we will liaise with the landlords on individual cases.
What if I cannot afford the deposit?
If you want to rent privately but you don’t have money for a tenancy deposit, there may be rent deposit schemes, rent guarantee and bond schemes available in your area that can help. Read More